Kann die evolutionäre Spieltheorie die Entstehung von Kooperation erklären? Studie über die Schwächen eines formalen Ansatzes
Listing: Beispiel_Schuessler_1.py
import Graph, Gfx
from Compatibility import *
GfxDriver = GetDriver()
# Definition of the Game
T, R, P, S = 6,4,2,1 # payoff parameters for the prisoner's dilemma
forced_exit = 0.05 # Chance that cooperation is terminated
# by external factors
initial_distribution = (0.5, 0.5)
rounds = 200
generations = 50
def OneGeneration(distribution, rounds):
"""Calculate one generation of the reiterated PD-simulation
with exit option. 'distribution' is a 2-tuple that contains
the population shares of CONO and ALL_D player's. 'rounds'
is the number of rounds that are played until the strategy
distribution is updated through replicator dynamics. The
return value is a 2-tuple of the average score for each
account = [0.0, 0.0]
cc = distribution[0]**2 / 2
dd = distribution[1]**2 / 2
cd = distribution[0] * distribution[1]
for i in xrange(rounds):
account[0] += (2*cc*R + cd*S) / distribution[0]
account[1] += (2*dd*P + cd*T) / distribution[1]
poolC = cc * forced_exit * 2 + cd
poolD = dd * 2 + cd
pool = poolC + poolD
cc += poolC**2 / (2 * pool) - cc*forced_exit
dd = poolD**2 / (2 * pool)
cd = poolC * poolD / pool
account[0] /= rounds
account[1] /= rounds
return tuple(account)
def PopulationDynamics(population, fitness):
"""Determines the distribution of species in the next generation."""
n = list(population)
L = len(population)
f = fitness(population)
for i in xrange(L): n[i] *= f[i]
N = sum(n)
if N == 0.0: return population
for i in xrange(L): n[i] /= N
return tuple(n)
def Schuessler():
"""A simulation of the repeated PD with exit option.
# Open a window for graphics output.
gfx = GfxDriver.Window(title = "Repeated PD with exit option")
# Generate a dynamics function from the payoff table.
# dynFunc = Dynamics.GenDynamicsFunction(payoff_table, e=0.0,noise=0.0)
# Set the graph for plotting the plotting dynamics.
graph = Graph.Cartesian(gfx, 0., 0., float(generations), 1.,
"Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma with exit option",
"generations", "population share")
graph.addPen("CONCO", Gfx.Pen(color = Gfx.GREEN, lineWidth = Gfx.MEDIUM))
graph.addPen("ALL_D", Gfx.Pen(color = Gfx.RED, lineWidth = Gfx.MEDIUM))
# Calculate the population dynamics and plot the graph.
population = initial_distribution
graph.addValue("CONCO", 0, population[0])
graph.addValue("ALL_D", 0, population[1])
fitness = lambda p: OneGeneration(p, rounds)
for g in range(1, generations+1):
population = PopulationDynamics(population, fitness)
graph.addValue("CONCO", g, population[0])
graph.addValue("ALL_D", g, population[1])
if g % (generations/10) == 0: gfx.refresh()
# To save the graphics in eps uncomment the following line
# Wait until the user closes the window.
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__