Tools or Toys?
On Specific Challenges for Modeling and the Epistemology of Models in the Social Sciences
Eckhart Arnold
Table of Contents
Tools or Toys: Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 The role of models in science
2.1 The nature of models
2.2 Where models get their credentials from
3 Why computer simulations are merely models and not experiments
3.1 Computer simulations are just elaborate models
3.2 Computer simulations are not experiments
3.2.1 The simulations-experiments dispute
3.2.2 Resolving the simulations-experiments dispute
4 The epistemology of simulations at work: How simulations are used to study chemical reactions in the ribosome
5 How do models explain in the social sciences?
6 Common obstacles for modeling in the social sciences
6.1 Lack of universal background theories
6.2 Pluralism of Paradigms
6.3 Why parsimony is a vice and not a virtue
6.4 “Wholistic” nature of many phenomena in the social sciences
6.5 Difficulties of measurement
6.6 Pluralism of scientific styles
7 Conclusions
7.1 Consequences for modellers in the social sciences
7.1.1 Consequences for problem orientated research
7.1.2 Conseqeunces for method centered research
7.2 Consequences for philosophers of science
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